The lead time for delivery or availability of Goods and Service offered by Factory Blinds will vary for many reasons. Customers should not rely on the estimated lead times for delivery to be accurate.

If a specific lead time for delivery is conditional of the purchase every effort within the control of Factory Blinds will be taken to comply with the request. Any failure by Factory Blinds to deliver Goods and Services within a specific or estimated time frame does not entitle the Customer to repudiate the contract.

When notified that the goods are available the customer must within seven days of being notified accept delivery, collect or arrange installation of the Goods and pay the balance of the invoice price.

Failure to arrange installation, collect the goods or, accept delivery and pay the balance of the invoice within seven days of being notified may be considered a breach of contract and debt recovery action may commence.

If the goods are supply only and to be delivered to the customer without installation then the customer shall make all arrangements to take delivery of the goods and to pay the costs for delivery.

Factory Blinds reserves the right to charge the customer storage on goods not collected, delivered or installed within seven days of notification of their availability at the rate of $35.00 per week or part thereof.

Any failure on the part of the Business to deliver instalments within any specified time does not entitle the Customer to repudiate the contract with regard to the remainder of undelivered Goods.

For goods being delivered by carrier to the customer the goods are entirely at the risk of the customer and the customer must maintain and insure the goods from time of pick up from Factory Blinds till the customer takes possession of the goods even though title in the goods may not have passed to the customer at that time.

The Customer must inspect the Goods and notify Factory Blinds in writing within seven days that the goods do not comply with the customer’s order otherwise the goods are deemed to be in good order and condition.

Factory Blinds is not obliged to accept any goods for return or credit as far as the law permits and if a return or claim is to be accepted by Factory Blinds the customer will be advised in writing.

Return of goods to Factory Blinds must be in merchantable condition and at the expense of the customer.

Goods not in merchantable condition may be rejected and returned to the customer at the expense of the customer.

Insurance on all goods returned by the customer remains with the customer until the credit or claim has been finalised.

To view your full rights and entitlements refer to the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) website, ACCC Home Page